by Charles Marshall | Jun 27, 2023 | clean comedian, comedy, comedy article, July 4th humor |
My wife won’t allow me to shoot off fireworks anymore. Well, my wife and everybody else that knows me, that is. For a long time, fireworks were illegal in Georgia, but for two glorious nights every year, everybody in the state wantonly abandoned all sense of good...
by Charles Marshall | Jun 5, 2023 | clean comedian, comedy, comedy article, comedy blog, Health comedy article, weight loss |
It’s getting warmer outside now and I know this because I’m feeling the primordial urge to lose weight. It’s not that I’m trying to be more attractive, because I’m already married and therefore don’t really have to look good anymore. Since I initially received this...
by Charles Marshall | May 16, 2023 | Christian comedian, clean comedian, comedy, comedy article, comedy blog, Kiss Jeep |
I don’t know if you are aware of it, but I am the guy who invented Kiss-Jeep. There are some parts of the country where Kiss-Jeep hasn’t caught on yet, so let me explain. Let’s say you’re driving down the road with your honey. The first one in the car that spots...
by Charles Marshall | Jan 28, 2023 | Charles Marshall, clean comedian, comedy, comedy blog, comedy video, coupon queen, IHOP |
Do you really have to tell the server you have a coupon before you order? In this video of me speaking to a live audience, I explore that question and talk about what happened when my wife produced her coupons at IHOP. #funnyvideo #couponqueen...
by Charles Marshall | Jan 14, 2023 | Charles Marshall, Christian comedian, clean comedian, comedy, comedy blog, funny meme, Uncategorized |
Follow up questions. Is there any other kind of soap than healthy soap? Does Purell offer an unhealthy option? Does healthy soap cost more than just regular soap? Does this soap work better when used with regular water, or will I need to use healthy water?...
by Charles Marshall | Jan 13, 2023 | Christian comedian, clean comedian, comedy, comedy blog, funny meme, old age humor |
I had eye surgery last week so I had to wear an eye patch for a couple of days. Maybe this could be my new thing. I could be known as The Pirate Comedian! “Ahoy, maties! What’s the deal with land lubbers? Arrrrr!”
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