by Charles Marshall | Dec 1, 2021 | Charles Marshall, clean comedian, comedy, comedy article, comedy blog, southern humor |
Christmas has often been a somewhat painful season for me. I grew up in a big household with five kids so my parents were trying to cut corners any way they could. They would wait until about three days before Christmas to buy our Christmas tree, which was always a...
by Charles Marshall | Jul 14, 2021 | Baby sitter, Charles Marshall, clean comedian, comedy, comedy article, comedy blog, southern comedy, southern humor |
The only economical babysitting options I’ve found are grandparents, newly married couples, and dogs. Let me save you some time and tell you that the dog option isn’t going to work, for two reasons: 1] Dogs don’t have thumbs so when you call home to see how the kids...
by Charles Marshall | Sep 15, 2020 | comedy, comedy blog, comedy video, covid weight gain, Uncategorized |
Have you gotten on the scales lately and not liked what you’ve seen? Then I have a suggestion for you! #covidweight #funnycovidvideo #bathroomscale
by Charles Marshall | Aug 4, 2020 | clean comedian, comedy, comedy article, comedy blog, middle age, middle age humor, old age humor |
Hello! Welcome to middle age. You’re going to love it! Heh, heh. A little orientation humor there. No, the truth is that much of it is going to be uncomfortable and—well, there’s no point in soft-pedaling it—you’re going to be miserable. I’m here to give you a...
by Charles Marshall | Aug 3, 2020 | Charles Marshall, clean comedian, comedy, funny meme |
Mmm-mm! I can almost taste the algae!
by Charles Marshall | Apr 15, 2020 | car comedy, Charles Marshall, comedy, comedy video, Ford Pinto |
I drove a Pinto and lived to talk about it! This is a video of me speaking to a live audience, talking about WAY back in the olden days when I drove a Pinto. #funnyvideo #funnyspeaker #cleancomedian
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